Dr. Sukla Ghosh

Regeneration Biology

Composite Image

  1. Adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
  2. Adult Albino Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)
  3. Transverse section of zebrafish spinal cord stained with neuronal marker Tubulin, radial glial marker GFAP and DAPI
  4. Transverse section of Axolotl spinal cord stained with neuronal marker NeuN and radial glial marker GFAP
  5. A proliferating zebrafish radial glia stained with GFAP and BrdU
  6. Transverse section of axolotl spinal cord stained with neurofilament marker RT-97 and radial glia marker GFAP
  7. A heatmap showing 3842 genes differentially expressed during zebrafish spinal cord regeneration (using TreeView software)



Adult Albino Mexican Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)



Adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio) -- an exciting model to study organ regeneration

Proliferating Radial Glia in Adult Zebrafish Spinal Cord

  1. A zebrafish radial glia stained with GFAP (red)
  2. A proliferating radial glia stained with GFAP (red) and BrdU (green)
  3. A DIC image of a zebrafish radial glia

Spatial Distribution of Radial Glia & Neurons in Adult Zebrafish Spinal Cord

  1. Adult zebrafish spinal cord section stained with GFAP (red), Tubulin (green), and DAPI (blue)
  2. Higher magnification of same cord in the region of ependymal canal
  3. DIC image of ependymal canal